Sunday, August 7, 2011

Hola From Antigua!

Hello friends! Well I made it to Antigua safe and sound, thank the Lord. I left this morning at 6:30 and arrived in Guatemala City at 1:20 (3:20 Eastern time). Luckily the trip was mostly uneventful, other than sitting next to a guy from Puget Sound who plays the tuba for a post-rock band.

When my plane finally arrived in Guatemala, luckily I made it through customs and immigration without a hitch and when I walked out of the airport, I saw a sign with my name on it. The man holding the sign is my host dad (his name is Rigoberto). My Spanish immersion began as soon as we shook hands. He can speak English but we did our best to speak Spanish (so there was very little speaking on my end, but I honestly ok with the little Spanish that I do know). After 45 minutes driving, we arrived at my house in Antigua. Currently at the house there is a mom and a dad, their daughter named Julia (who is eleven and, I found out, is obsessed with Justin Bieber. Not only do I know this because she speaks some English, but I could also tell by the four JB posters in her room), a girl named Rosario (who is ten; I know she's not their daughter but I think they said she's Julia's cousin? I'm not really sure but she's cute regardless and doesn't speak a lick of English), and a volunteer at my Spanish school named Austin (he's a young guy originally from Tennessee). Reyna and Rigoberto have two other daughters who are away at university, so they don't live at the house now.

Now let me just say this: I LOVE my house. It is amazing. Basically, it's a house built around a courtyard filled with gigantic plants and a parakeet that chills at their house, walking around pecking at things. Random. It's beautiful. Click on the link below to see the pictures (it's through facebook but it's a public link so you can see it even if you don't have facebook):

Overall, here are my first impressions of Antigua/Guatemala so far:
  • The presidential election is coming up soon and it is insane. There are soooo many candidates and there are posters of them plastered EVERYWHERE. 
  • Antigua's streets are cobblestone and therefore ridiculously uncomfortable to drive on. Seriously. Anyone who gets carsick should not ride in a car on those streets without a heavy dosage of Dramamine.
  • Someone (I don't know who) likes to fire a cannon or firework or something every fifteen minutes or so. It is really loud and I always jump but no one else in the house even flinches. 
  • I think it's funny that some of Julia and Rosario's favorite music is rap. They were listening to rap music on Julia's mp3 player while I was in the living room with them and an Eminem song came on blurting out a bunch of f-words and other types of obscenities. It took me aback that they were allowed to listen to that when they were so young. Then I realized: they have no clue those are bad words. Anyway, it was kind of a funny moment and made me think about all the Spanish songs I've listened to. They could be nothing but variations on the f-word in Spanish and I would be utterly clueless.
Also, did I mention that Antigua is absolutely beautiful? These were from the roof of their house. They have a terrace-type thing.

Oh, hey, in case you were wondering...that ^ is definitely a volcano. Pretty sweet huh?

Okay I think that's enough for now. I'm exhausted. Tomorrow is my first day of Spanish school!


  1. Oh Gabrielle, how exciting - it does look beautiful. Enjoy every minute. Your Mom and Dad stopped by yesterday - she was fine, maybe needed a nap but other than that, everyone is just so happy for you.
    Love you,
    Aunt Moe

  2. Great Pictures Gabrielle. I feel so much better seeing where you live and talking to you last night. Have a great first day at school.
    Love you dearly, Mom

  3. Fantastic post! Judging from the pics, I'd say Antigua is beautiful!! What a blessing to have this opportunity... Soak it all in and enjoy!
    Good luck with your classes... I'm sure you'll do great! Then, you can come back and teach me. :)

  4. Thanks guys. I´ll do a post later about my first day of school. I'm on break now. Mom, I'm glad you feel better. It really is a nice place. Glad you liked the pictures Aunt Moe.

    And Nicole, if you want to learn Spanish, you should think about doing an immersion. This school is really not that expensive. Even a month would do wonders for your Spanish. Either way, I would love to chat with you in Spanish when I get back.

  5. Can't wait to hear about school. I hope you don't get detention the first week

  6. Hi Gabes... Love all the pics. The home where you are at looks really wonderful. Looking forward to hearing about your first day at school. Please take some shots of your family/teachers so we get to meet them long distance. Thank them for us for their hospitality. Love You Dad

  7. Good Morning Gabes... Getting on the chicken bus probably gives you a sense of being a regular member of the community, take a pic of the bus, they sound like they are a visual treat. Hope you have a great day. Enjoying your blog. Love you, Dad

  8. Me divertida mucho las fotografías. Sin duda, tu casa es hermosa. Quiero ver el autobus de pollo, por favor! Abrazos y cariños, Tia Tracy
