Saturday, August 13, 2011

Lazy Day

Happy Saturday everyone! Although this is my first weekend in Guatemala, I decided to take it easy today. I did do a little exploring of Antigua, but not a whole lot. Good thing too because when I got to Antigua, I realized that my camera was out of batteries! So I think it will be better to site-see on a day when I can take pictures.

Overall, my day was not super exciting. I slept in until eight (though I woke up by myself at 6:40, when I normally get up. I guess my body is pretty adjusted to my new schedule!). One quick aside: I don't know what it is about Guatemala, but it makes me want to sleep so much.  I can sleep ten hours, take a two hour nap after lunch, and go to bed at nine thirty and fall asleep right away. It's not even that I feel exhausted all day, either, I just can really sleep! Maybe it's the elevation (I think we are 5,000 feet above sea level). Or maybe it's just that four hours a day of learning a new language really takes a lot out of me.

After breakfast I was able to video chat with my family, and after that, I voyaged to Antigua! I decided to walk instead of taking a bus into town, but I don't think I will do that again soon. It took 25 minutes and I felt like I was breathing bus exhaust the entire time. Gross. I went in the center of the city to find a relatively cheap place to get lunch. I found a Mexican-cantina type place that sounded good, so I ordered a lemonade and a fajita-type thing. Both were delicious, especially the lemonade (fresh squeezed), though I was a little hesitant to drink it when I saw they put ice in it (I've heard it's better to get things without ice because you don't know if it was made with pure water or not). However, this place serves a lot of tourists and when I looked and saw other gringos (aka white people) having drinks with ice, I figured it was ok. So far, I'm doing ok! Thankfully. My entire meal was around five or six bucks (including tip), which is really cheap.

After lunch I walked around the city a bit more but decided to head back home. My host family was out for the day, so the house was pretty quiet. I watched TV in the family room which was HILARIOUS because so many random shows were dubbed in Spanish. For example, I watched "Dan en La Vida Real" (Dan in Real Life), the Bourne Identity, and, the funniest: American Pickers. That last one was definitely the most entertaining.

Ok, so this post is less than exciting, but this next part is: when I came upstairs to my room after it had rained, I looked across the courtyard outside of the house and I saw an enormous rainbow. It was beautiful. Don't worry: I did get a picture of that. Here it is:

Beautiful huh? The best part is that at the same time I saw the rainbow, a nearby festival was playing "Bad Romance." I think Lady Gaga would approve.

That's all for now! Blessings and peace to all who read this!

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